“Sheep and Goats, Wheat and Chaff, Blessings and Curses” – The Nations Are Being Tested

When I was 8 years old and in the third grade, I did a report upon Abraham Lincoln. I loved going to the library and I remember visiting the local Saguaro Branch, looking in the card catalog, (my younger readers can Google what that is!) and found where the books were on President Lincoln.

After I found the books I needed, I began pursuing some of the other reference books on the aisle the library had on the shelves about world leaders, but then I came across a book about man named, Adolf Hitler. I remembered hearing his name come up among the adults in my life– always spoken with a negative tone, and out of curiosity, I pulled the book off the shelf to take a peek inside.

I would never be the same again.

As I turned the pages, I saw black and white photos of people– normal looking families, being taken from their homes. Photos of these families marching down streets with a large star on the front side of their clothes. I saw photos of them waiting for trains… then photos of them on trains, then in strange looking prison camps wearing black and white striped garments with numbers tattooed on their arms. With every page that I turned the photos became more confounding, yet I couldn’t stop turning them.

The next pages contained photos that revealed horrors my 8-year-old mind could hardly comprehend. Starved, skeleton like bodies with shaven heads, sunken eyes and open mouths, stacked upon each other like firewood, so many it was impossible to count them, piled upon the ground or wagons, while men in uniforms looked at them, emotionless. There were trenches so wide and deep they seemed more like canals that were being used as mass graves where these bodies were being taken and dumped, disposed of like trash. There were piles and piles of shoes, eyeglasses, mounds of suitcases, barrels of pulled golden teeth, and mountains of human hair, gathered, photographed, documented and placed on the pages of the book before me, all depicting horrors that I could not possibly comprehend.

I slumped down into a little ball on the floor, it was as if I was hiding the book that I was studying. I think subconsciously, I knew I was looking at something I shouldn’t see. As I sat there trying to process what I was seeing, I began to read the information on the pages surrounding the photos and realized these were the same families that had been in the striped garments in the prison. The same families that had been placed on the trains. The same families that were marched down the streets and pulled from their homes. They were all Jews.

My young mind was whirling with the impossible question of: why? Why would anyone want to hurt people like this? Who could be so horrible to do such a thing? What was so bad about the Jewish people that they needed to be killed? I had learned so many stories of the Old Testament in Sunday School. Weren’t the Jewish people the chosen people of my God? The same God in my Bible? Weren’t they the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Wasn’t my precious Jesus, my Lord and Savior, the King of the Jews? Why would anyone hate them so much that they would do these horrible things to them and kill them?

Not that any answers would have been able to satisfy me. There is no justification for evil or killing, I knew that. I had learned the Ten Commandments and knew #5 Thou Shall Not Kill. Even at the age of eight years old I knew what I was seeing was the evidence of the work of evil hands and it affected me greatly. I was already deeply impacted, grieved, and angered by what I had been studying about slavery in America while studying about Abraham Lincoln and now I again transformed by what I had seen about the Jewish Holocaust. Again, I was angry and grieved. It impacted my heart, mind and soul. Those moments changed me forever.

Studying about slavery and the Holocaust at that age planted a deep hatred in my heart—not of people but against the principalities of racism, prejudice and antisemitism. Though I was too young to understand what those things were by definition, in my heart I knew that it was wrong to treat people differently or badly because of their skin color or because of their faith. It’s just wrong to treat people badly, period. I knew then and I know now that God made us all and loves us all, so much so that He sent His One and only Son to die for our sins so that we could receive forgiveness and eternal life. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.”

I couldn’t talk about what I saw in that book with anyone for a long time. I didn’t know how to put what I felt into words at that age, and I didn’t have the words to ask questions about it either. What I didn’t realize until years later, was that moment, though painful, was not just an awakening for me to understand the reality of the horrors that had taken place in our world, it was also spiritual awakening. It was part of God’s plan. He was reaching me, teaching me, preparing me for things to come.

I did begin asking my mother different questions about the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. My mother had been taught well by both my grandma and the pastor of our church, Bro. Hurschel Diffie.
“The Bible teaches us that we should always stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, always, because they are God’s chosen people,” she would tell me. And I always have.

From that day in the library on there was a constant hunger to learn all I could about World War II and the events which led to the Holocaust. I watched documentaries, read books, saw accurate war movies and loved singing music from the era. Now, please don’t misunderstand. I don’t want to present myself as some sort of an expert on World War II, but I would say that I know a bit about it. I explain that to you because in all the days of my studying about Hitler, how he developed his Nazi party from a group of seven people–him being one of the seven, and grew it into a regime of evil that killed over 10 million people, over 6 million of that number being Jewish people, and out of the 6 million an estimated 1.5 million were Jewish children and babies, how he brainwashed millions of others to join his hate cause toward the Jews, how he built and hid from the world for so long the concentration camps which were highly functioning mass killing factories, all with one main goal, to destroy the Jewish people and wipe them from the face of the earth, I really had hoped that the antisemitic spirit of hate would not return to the world in that form. But the terrible reality is… it never left.

In my sophomore year of high school my family moved to a home which displaced me from the school district of the high school I attended, and I had to change high schools. When all of this took place, it was a very difficult transition for me as I was already going through so much in my life that was incredibly challenging. Yet, looking back on it now, I can clearly see why God allowed this transition to take place. He needed to educate me, to wake me up and give me a much broader understanding of people in general than I had before.

I left a high school called Arcadia, which was a school where many wealthy students attended (though I was not one of the wealthy) and went to a new school called Camelback. The population of Camelback was almost double that of Arcadia and the ethnicity was also much more diverse. This was what I needed. This was what God wanted me to have and it was good for me. Up until my sophomore year the students in my classes were predominantly Caucasian. I did have a few Jewish friends at Arcadia who are still my friends today, but one of the most important things that God wanted me to learn from my attending Camelback was that, sadly, the spirit of antisemitism was still alive and surging among young people. This was something I did not see happening at Arcadia. At Arcadia the Jewish kids were looked up to, respected and celebrated–at least the ones I knew were. I’m sure Steven Spielberg would tell a different story as his experiences with Arcadia High School were much different. Sadly, I don’t really know if there were any Jewish kids at Camelback. If there were, I never had the blessing of knowing them.

There were gangs back in those days called the Crypts and the Bloods, and there were other kids that had gangs on campus, but those students didn’t concern me. It was the White Supremacist kids who called themselves “skin heads” that did. There weren’t many of them, only a few. They never came near me, and I never went near them, but I prayed for them. I prayed for them because they proudly wore the Swastika on their clothes, they drew it on their body–or tattooed it, and one guy I remember had what appeared to be a scar in the shape of the Swastika on the side of his shaved head. These students concerned me because I knew too much truth about the Nazi’s, their ideology and the evil spirit of antisemitism, and I wondered… where did they learn this? Did they read about it in books, documentaries and movies like I did? Or were they being taught this hate at home? Here was the difference between them and me: I had learned about it and was repulsed by it, but they had learned about it and were not only embracing it, they were representing it–proudly.

Seeing the sign of the Swastika being worn so proudly by kids my age in my high school both confused and sickened me. The Swastika was a symbol found in many ancient civilizations that was not originally used as a symbol of evil, but once Hitler gave his spin on it, the symbol can hardly be recognized as anything else and was once banned in many countries. These kids were not wearing Swastikas of ancient civilizations. They were wearing the same symbol and colors as the one Hitler created for his movement, a symbol of pure evil.
To me, seeing Hitler’s Swastika is just as evil as seeing a pentagram. They both represent forces of satan. Forces that want to destroy God’s chosen people, the Jews, and wipe them off the face of the planet. To be connected to the name “Nazi” is to be connected to the spirit of antisemitism which is a demonic spirit of hate.

For years, the confusion in me remained, why would kids my age want to harbor hatred toward the Jewish people? It was a question that stirred in my mind and heart, yet I knew could never be answered because there was no answer for it. There is no reason to hate Jewish people. There is no reason to hate people, but especially people who only make up 0.2% of the population, do not cause harm to anyone, do not force their faith on others, and also make great positive contributions to society and culture. What would our world be without the irreplaceable talents of our Jewish leaders, scientists, inventors, teachers, mathematicians, doctors, designers, musicians, composers, writers, artists, dancers, actors, actresses, and directors? (my personal favorite: Steven Spielberg!) And of course, I couldn’t possibly forget Jewish bakers, cooks and chefs who bless our taste buds, and Jewish businesspeople who build successful companies to produce and provide us all with excellent products and teach us about quality service! It is just as Adonai told Abraham in the scripture: “AND THROUGH YOU ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSSED!” Genesis 22:18.

As time moved on and I married the love of my life, Josh Cox, and we were blessed with our three precious “bears”, Aven, MaCaedyn and Samuel Braeden, my love for the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, and my desire to know more about World War II grew stronger. I was blessed to be able to homeschool all three of our children from kindergarten to graduation. In their studies of world and American history I taught them much about the World Wars with years of focus upon World War II. We had the privilege of being able to sing for World War II Veterans several times a year, for five years through Honor Flight Arizona. Meeting those Veterans and having the opportunity to treat them like the celebrities that they are was one of the greatest blessings of our ministry– and the history that we learned from them was priceless and irreplaceable!

When I first started understanding that there was a larger movement of Nazi antisemitism swelling to the surface here in our nation, I wondered how it impacted those particular WWII Veterans. At every concert the Veterans we met would always ask us with tear filled eyes to “Pray for those we left behind.” Those days may have been decades ago, but for them, they were still very fresh and deeply ingrained in their minds and etched onto their hearts and souls. I wondered how they felt about the ideals of the very enemy they fought against and lost friends and brothers to being celebrated and represented here in their country, the land of the free and home of the brave. The country they sacrificed so much to protect from such horrific ideals. I’m sure they were shocked and frustrated but I also wondered if they were sickened and deeply grieved. Sickened to see that same Nazi symbol was openly being worn by those living here in the nation that they fought so diligently to keep free from such hatred and oppression.

When my children were old enough, I began to teach them about the Holocaust. Josh and I felt it was extremely important for them to understand the truth of all that happened. My children and I even created a book for “tweens” titled: The Time Transporters about Nicholas Winton, an Englishman who organized the rescue of 669 Czechoslovakian Jewish children from Hitler’s death camps. Honestly, they created quite a story! If you would ever like to read it, you can find it here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Time-Transporters-Trek-London-1939-ebook/dp/B01HTDK2SK/ref=sr_1_2?crid=250BFE34C4XV2&keywords=The+Time+Transporters&qid=1699931045&s=books&sprefix=the+time+transporters%2Cstripbooks%2C132&sr=1-2

Josh and I also began branching out to join some ministries and groups that work to support Israel and stand against antisemitism. Groups like the World Jewish Congress www.worldjewishcongress.org and the AIPAC which is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee aipac.org both are organizations which work to battle antisemitism and the AIPAC advocates pro-Israel policies in our American branches of government. We also love to support Larry Huch Ministries which focuses on several projects within the lands of Israel and to assist Jewish people who want to make Aliyah to their homeland possible. https://larryhuchministries.com/
We support Sid Roth Ministries whose work is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Jewish people in America and in Israel, and we learn so much from the ministry of Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn who works to teach all the prophecies of God that are being fulfilled every day. We highly recommend all these ministries to you as well!

We learned from Pastor Larry Huch that when a person understands the teachings of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith quickly and embraces them, that means they are called to teach them. So, for the past four years, we have been doing exactly that. In our home, through our Huggabear Children’s Project ministry, through our Huggabear Friends show on YouTube, in our music, and now through my Intercessors books, we have been teaching the Jewish roots of our faith to anyone who will listen. Those who come, love all that they are learning and understand that the Old Testament is the foundation which the New Testament was built. The Old Testament is the shadow of things to come, and the New Testament is the fulfillment of those things. A lovely rhyme teaches it like this, “The Old Testament concealed, the New Testament revealed,” and it is all revealed through the teachings, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

God led us to many wonderful teachers both Christian and “Completed” or Messianic Jews who have educated and trained us in both the Torah, and writings of the Old Testament, and in the New Testament. For me, learning the Jewish roots of our Christian faith was like when Dorothy stepped out of her little house from the Sepia tones into the brilliant full color of the land of OZ in the movie the Wizard of Oz. It was literally like pulling back the veil to have so much more understanding of our great and Mighty God–and why wouldn’t we want that?! We LOVE our AWESOME God and want to know all we can about Him!

Josh and I have been working hard to share all the knowledge of the Jewish roots of our faith, teaching everything that the Jewish people celebrate–which are the same things our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ celebrated. The holidays and traditions are very beautiful and so special. They hold such meaning and I feel like knowing both the Jewish faith and the Christian faith has made me complete. We are fulfilling the verses of Ephesians 2:14-18 For He Himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in His flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that He might create in Himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. And He came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.”
What these verses are teaching us is that in the law of the Old Testament where people had to be put to death for their sins, that no longer applied because when Jesus came and died on the cross, He became the Ultimate sacrifice and paid the price for all the sins of mankind for all time. This verse also teaches us that it is the will of God to bring Jew and Gentile together through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, with Jews accepting Jesus as their Messiah and Gentiles coming to accept the Jewish roots of their faith–and Jewish people ARE coming to accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah in droves! If you would like to learn more about this beautiful, powerful movement, please visit the One For Israel ministry: https://www.oneforisrael.org/

This verse, to create “One New Man” from the two and tear down the wall between us is what our new work for our LaFon-Cox Ministries and The Huggabear Children’s Project, Inc. ministries are founded upon. We want to bring Jewish people to Christ, we want to bring Christians to embrace the Jewish roots of our faith, and we want to bring those who do not know Jesus Christ to accept Him as their Lord and Savior! Jesus Christ was a Jew, born to Jewish parents, who never stopped being Jewish. All of Jesus’ disciples were Jews who never stopped being Jews, they believed and stood upon the Old Testament, and they wrote the New Testament! They understood the power that comes from embracing everything within the two! Christianity is an extension of the Jewish faith for all people!

After becoming affiliated with the Larry Huch Ministries, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s Ministries, AIPAC and the World Jewish Organization we quickly learned that antisemitism was higher overall in countries around the world than it was during the days of Nazi Germany. The facts were alarming and overwhelming. When we first learned these facts, it took my mind some time to process it. No, Lord. It can’t be! We can’t allow this kind of hatred to surge toward Your beloved people again. And then I began to ask “Why is this happening again? Why is it that other people in the world still hate them so much?

And then God reminded me. “Because they are My chosen people.”

And I remembered. It is impossible for a person to be God’s chosen and not have satan despise you immensely. The devil hates all of us, always, and he really hates all those of us who walk closely with the Lord– Christians too. Now imagine from the beginning of time, the favor of God, being declared by God, upon the Jewish people, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who became Israel. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn teaches it like this, “Evil is real and it is real specific. Why is it so bent on destroying the Jewish people? Because the Jewish people were called into existence by God to be the witnesses of His reality and the vessels of His purposes.” Satan hates the favor of God, so he wants nothing more than to destroy those who have it. Because the Jewish people are God’s chosen, they carry the favor, the blessings and the Covenant of God… so there it is.

It is because the Jewish people are declared God’s chosen people in His Word and throughout history, time and time again, and God has proven that they are the “apple of His eye” (Deut. 32:10) because they are so very precious to Him. So, because satan hates God, he wants to destroy what is precious to God and he wants to destroy the Jewish people more than anyone else in the world. And how does he go about doing that? By attacking the hearts of those who do not walk closely with the Lord and filling their hearts, minds, and souls with hatred toward the Jewish people by filling them with the satanic spirit of antisemitism. We know satan wants to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the earth–and history proves this to be true.

When the events of October 7, 2023, unfolded in Israel, of course, it broke our hearts and shook our souls.
But then, from that very moment the world began to witness something which, to my mind, was unfathomable: the celebrations of the attacks on Israel, the blame of Israel for the attacks, and anti-Israel protests. I was even more heartbroken to see some of those celebrations took place right here in my country, a country that is supposed to be an ally of Israel. A nation that is not only politically connected, but spiritually connected. The problem is, not many people understand that… or believe it.

Pastor Larry Huch says it in a way that sums it up clearly, “Israel is the only nation that has to defend itself for defending itself.” It’s true. He also states, “If those who oppose Israel would lay down their weapons against Israel, there would be peace. But if Israel were to lay down their weapons… there would be no Israel.” That is also true. Every single time that Israel has been involved in a war since 1948 it has been because someone – else – attacked – them- first. If the attacks which took place in Israel took place here in America, there would be no question to our annihilation of Hamas. There would be no “pause” no “ceasefires” called for. No other nations telling us how and what to do and if they did, our government officials would not listen to a single word spoken. Why? Because the attacks which took place on October 7th were so barbaric, so gruesome, so inconceivable to the normal, healthy, non-evil mind, that if they happened to our people as they slept in their homes, we would be demanding retribution. Yet, when it comes to Israel defending itself… it’s different. It’s always different because it’s Israel. And that is wrong.

After the attacks of 9/11 America’s resolve to bring down Bin Laden and his regime of evil was strong and there was no stopping us. So why is this any different for Israel? It is not.

Something that is unfathomable to me is that with all the evidence produced to the world, there are still those through the years and in our present time who will still deny the Holocaust took place. That is not just a spirit of denial, that is what happens when hatred has entered into a heart. “The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.” Proverbs 10:18.

In the beginning of Hitler’s demonic idea to begin eradicating Jews, the SS mobile killing units were constantly lining Jewish people up and having German soldiers shoot them. Day after day this went on and the officers began to notice that this particular form of execution was taking a toll on their troops who were turning to drink. I guess even demons will drown their sorrows in alcohol. Their drinking was becoming quite a problem for Hitler as it isn’t an effective way to take over the world when your soldiers are drunk all the time, not to mention the fact that the shooting of Jews on a daily basis was not a cost-effective way of exterminating an entire race of people, after all, bullets cost money and bullets were needed to kill their other enemies on the front lines. In addition to that, they had to contend with all those nasty bodies which had to be disposed. What a terrible burden, right? I mean, killing Jews for a Nazi is supposed to be such a great privilege, but burying them? That’s beneath a Nazi! After all, Nazi’s don’t see Jews as human. They are mere vermin that need to be exterminated.

Large trenches were being dug in various places, but that too was taking up too much manpower and time of their German army. Why should Nazi soldiers waste time digging mass trenches to bury Jews when they could be out killing other enemies and conquering more territory to take over the world? What to do, what to do?
So much killing to be done, so much territory to be taken and they desired a sickening, streamlined, wickedly cost-efficient way to do it. Most human minds can’t function to come up with such diabolical plans of pure evil… but Hitler had such a circle of evil minds which surround him and was able to find one:
Heinrich Himmler. It was Himmler that Hitler turned to as his satanic architect to design the mass killing factories for the Jews.

Himmler’s first idea was to take a group of Jews and place them in the back of an army truck with a hose that would feed the truck’s exhaust fumes into the back where the Jews had been sealed inside. Himmler thought this took far too long, and wasted too much truck fuel, plus they had the task of trying to keep the Jews inside who kept trying to escape to saves their lives. Isn’t it unfathomable as you read this that these were deemed “problems” for these satanic people? But it’s all true, every word. And it was from putting the Jews in the back of the trucks to “gas” them from the trucks exhaust fumes that Himmler decided to come up with the mass killing factories of the gas chambers. He nefariously designed the extermination camps where he could not only quickly kill the Jews in mass, but also conveniently dispose of their remains by burning them in ovens. He wouldn’t use German soldiers to do that work though. The soldiers would take delight in the killing, after all, that was a something they could boast about, and how they were making the world a better place. But disposing of the remains of the Jewish bodies, for them, was like taking out the trash, something that was definitely beneath them. That would be a task they would assign to other Jews who would have to place the bodies of their own kinsmen into the ovens to burn, day after day after day.

The evidence of these killing factories is still there. You can see them, smell them, walk through and touch them. There are photographs, documented movies and the clothing, suitcases, eyeglasses, hair and other belongings are still there in the Auschwitz killing camp, yet… there are those who say the Holocaust never happened. All of these extermination camps in addition to Auschwitz still have remains to tour to this day: Treblinka, Sorbibor, Majdanek, were some of the extermination camps designed to kill. The remains of
Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Ravensbruck concentration camps can all still be toured as well. Those are just a few. There were 14 early camps, 23 main camps which were so huge they all had sub camps. For example, Auschwitz had 44 sub camps. Dachau had 97 sub camps. Although some camps were created to do nothing but exterminate Jews, make no mistake, tens of thousands of Jews were still executed at all of the concentration camps– and they still have the death lists to prove it, not to mention the testimonies of those who survived some of those sections of hell on earth.

In the time of World War II, those who hated the Jewish people were known as Nazi’s. Today, they have many names, but the common denominator for it all is the spirit of antisemitism and the spirit of antisemitism in a simple description is to be anti-God, anti-Adonai, anti- the God of Israel.

We are living in a day and age of a new regime of evil. It doesn’t hide it like Hitler tried to because he didn’t want anyone to find out and try and stop him. Yes, it’s true, Hitler filmed everything, photographed everything, documented everything, which only left us the proof of all the evil works he ordered to be done. Still, he tried to hide his heinous acts from the rest of the world because he didn’t want anyone to stop him.
We live in a different age and are experiencing a different kind of evil that is even more incomprehensible, and it is called Hamas. This evil also takes photos and films everything, but it isn’t trying to hide anything. They put their barbaric massacres online live for the world to see immediately not concerned for one moment that anyone would come to try and stop them. Some called their family members, cheering, celebrating crying out to their loved ones, as to what they were doing. One was recorded as saying, “I just killed 10 Jews!” and their family members response? “I am so proud of you! I wish I could be there with you!”

Sick. Devious. Barbaric. Heinous. Grotesque. Wicked. Evil. How many words could I write here to describe what took place that day? Not enough could describe it.

Just one word I think works… satanic. This is satan’s work. These are satan’s hands, satan’s thoughts, actions and words.

What is even more unfathomable is that even though the voracious attacks of the satanic regime of Hamas was proudly filmed by those barbaric butchers and put out for the world to see, there are still thousands of people protesting all over the world and, I am ashamed to say, in the United States of America, who are still denying the attacks took place and that the atrocities that happened at all. Repulsive acts such as the beheading of precious, innocent babies, the greatest treasures our world has to hold. The torture and murders of innocent civilians, some being burned alive, and the brutal rape of women and little girls, so savage that one twelve-year-old girl was reported to having her legs being broken at the hip sockets, while there were multiple reports of women being so barbarically raped that their pelvises were broken. Still, even after those women suffered such atrocities, many of them were still shot in the head after it was over. Even though Hamas proudly displayed the videos to prove they did these heinous crimes, not just online, but in their region of Gaza where the people celebrated what they saw as if they were watching the Superbowl, pro-Hamas people all over the world and here in the United States, will still say it didn’t happen at all and even worse they blame Israel for it.

It’s absolutely surreal.

Sadly, the evil spirit of antisemitism is alive, surging and is now surfacing–no, exploding all over the world in percentages that the experts say they can’t even keep up with. It is like satan himself is shaking the lands of the nations with his destructive, slimy, evil hands.

All through the years of my life when I would watch a movie about WWII and the days of the Holocaust or read a book about those dark days, I knew if I had been alive and living in a place where I could do something to help the Jewish people, I would—and I knew that God would help me. God created me that way. And so now, I am.

Josh and I have launched a new ministry from our home to try and do what we can, along with the power of daily prayer, to speak out against and battle the spirit of antisemitism. We have started an online class to teach Biblical truths of God’s Word about Israel and the Jewish people. We are teaching the covenants of God, Adonai that He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who became Israel, the promise God made to give them the land of Canaan which would become the nation of Israel and how nothing man can do or say will ever be able to break those covenants. Not ever!

We are teaching about the Jewish holidays and traditions and how the Old Testament is the foundation for which the New Testament was built. We will also be teaching about the Spirit of Amalek, which is where the evil spirit of antisemitism derives, about the organized movement of those who came together at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. to begin the division between Christians and Jews, historical truths about the land of Israel both Biblically and politically and much more. We will just keep teaching until the Lord says so. If you would like information on how you can join our online class live or watch the videos of the classes once they are taught, please email me at: thehuggabears@gmail.com and I will be very happy to get you connected to it!

As I mentioned, we will be teaching what we have learned about the spirit of Amalek which is directly connected to the evil act of rape and murder, and we are speaking out against the atrocious acts of rape that Hamas conducted against innocent, beautiful Israeli women and children and condemn them for it all while other women and children advocates and activists remain silent! While we do not have a women’s group, we do have our nonprofit organization for children, The Huggabear Children’s Project, Inc. and our mission statement for our organization states:

It is the mission of The Huggabear Children’s Project, Inc. to listen for those who cry out in need, speak for those who have no voice, and protect and help those who cannot protect and help themselves, both the living and the unborn. We want to let the children of the world know that Jesus loves them more than they could possibly imagine!
Our children are the GREATEST treasures of this world! They are the leaders, teachers, inventors, ministers, artists, doctors, builders, creators, and workers of the future and they must be cherished, nurtured, taught, protected and guided. 
We believe if you make a positive difference in one child’s life, you not only can help direct and shape their future, you will make a direct impact on the world. It is also our mission to stand for an undivided Israel and stand up for Jewish families, God’s chosen people.
We receive great joy in serving children in need all over the world and right here at home in the U.S.A!

We also love serving and honoring our U.S. Veterans who provide us with the free lives we lead.
We hope you will join us in our work to bless children, let them know they are important, that Jesus loves them and to make a powerful and positive impact on their lives. 
We hope you will join us in this mission! When you love a child, you change the world!

We are clearly speaking OUT against the rape of these women and children and any men that may have also suffered this vile act as well.

Part of my work with Huggabears is to speak out against sexual abuse as I myself am not only a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, but through the healing power of the blood that Jesus Christ shed for me, I am becoming a victor over childhood sexual abuse. I wrote my testimony for others who are dealing with the pain and darknesses of this abuse so they can understand how Jesus can help them too. If you are interested in reading that blog you can find it here: https://angeliquelafoncox.wordpress.com/2022/12/07/howgodishealingme/

In addition to the online class Josh and I are teaching to battle antisemitism, God has also instructed me to completely revise my entire Intercessors Book series and add the teachings of the Jewish roots to those stories. I have only completed revision of the first book and am currently working on the second. If you would like to download a free ebook of the first book, The Intercessors Exordium you can do so at our website link: https://lafoncox.com/bookstore
(Printed copies are also available and can be ordered from that page as well.)

We who love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the King of Israel, must do more to stand up for Him, His nation, and His chosen people the Jews because they are our brothers and sisters of God. That is what it is going to take. Right now, we are living in days when the world is shaking, literally shaking with hatred, rage and violence. My hope is that Jesus Christ will work a miracle for His people and the world will see it– which hopefully might strike some fear of Him into their hearts, and hopefully might inspire them to call out to Him and fall to His salvation. I did hear about a testimony that took place in the region of the war where over 200 Palestinian Muslims had a dream that Jesus Christ manifested Himself to them and they gave their hearts to Him! Don’t believe it? Well, you can find this story in several places on YouTube and Google to listen to the testimonies for yourself. Have no doubts, though we may not see it or hear all of it, God IS at work in this war! He does not slumber nor sleep, and He will NOT fail His people or forget His covenant to them!

What is sad is that I see so many people– at least where I live that are not paying attention to any of these events. Even in my city, churches are going on with their sermon series’ and plans like what is happening with Israel and all these protests against the Jews are not something they see as an issue to teach upon or even mention in their services. Maybe they feel it’s too far away. Maybe they feel it doesn’t affect us. Maybe they think there are always problems in the Middle East and there always will be, so they will say a prayer for Israel and go on about their lives. Or maybe they don’t honestly understand the Biblical and spiritual significance about what is happening in Israel and the impact it is having on the world and the Biblical prophecies this war . Again, that is very sad because all you have to do to learn it is open your Bible and let God speak to your heart.

I feel this is why God laid it on my heart to write this blog. I know there are many people in other states and other parts of the world who understand the Biblical and spiritual significance of this war along with the political, economic and environmental significance that is attached to what is happening right now with Israel and the Jewish people. However, for those who may not understand it, or aren’t paying attention to it, I beg of you, please, pay attention! God is testing us right now and for those of us who love Him and serve Him, we must be in constant, and I do mean constant daily prayer for these matters.

There is a sorting going on among the peoples. Adonai has drawn a spiritual line in the sand for all mankind and is watching to see if we will cross it to stand with Him or not. The Bible teaches us in Matthew 3:12 “He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork. Then He will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into His barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.” And we learn in Matthew 25:32-33 “All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.  And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. These verses apply to more than just this situation going on with Israel, they apply to the choices we make with our souls, but we can also apply them to our personal stances with Israel right now.

This sorting or separating is exactly what we are seeing in the world today. The world is being tested–though they may not even realize it. God is looking at us all. He is watching, listening and He sees those of us who are wheat and those who are chaff. Those of us who are sheep and those who are goats. As for me, I am wheat. I am a sheep. I know that because I choose to stand with the God of Israel and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, the Messiah of Israel, I am on the right side of this fight. That’s what it comes down to, those who choose to stand with the God of Israel, and those who don’t. Now you may say, “Well, I don’t agree with everything that the Israeli government is doing.” Does anyone always agree with everything a government does? Not usually. What is important for you to understand is that this stance is not a political one, it is a spiritual one, and it is one of the most important stances we will make in these days.

What I find interesting when following so many different articles and news reports is that at these protests which say they are “Pro-Palestine”, we see Palestinian flags flying with Hamas flags. Yet, when there are groups coming to stand for Israel, we see American flags flying with Israeli flags. At many of these
“Pro-Palestine” rallies they actually shout the words “We are Hamas!”. So, then what are they really telling us? Not just that they are against Israel. Not just that they are against Jews, but that they stand with terrorism. Are they also telling us that they too are terrorists? In addition to shouting words like “We are Hamas!” they also have been documented shouting phrases and projecting phrases upon buildings such as,
“Glory to the Murderers!” and “Glory to the Martyrs!”. When words like this are being shouting in our nation it is more than shocking. It should disturb and awaken every rational mind that seeks love and embraces peace for humankind. It is not an over-reach to state they are not pro-Palestine; they are pro-Hamas because that is the message which is proudly coming from their own mouths.

I always understood that our First Amendment right to protest was to protest peacefully. I understood our right to free speech was to not include hate speech. I do not think I am alone when I state that shouting the words “Glory to the murderers!” that is referring to people who slaughtered innocent Jewish people barbarically sounds like hate speech. I do not believe I am alone in stating that protests where people feel they have to hide in libraries or other facilities because of the violent language and acts that take place at these rallies and protests do not sound “peaceful”. Who in their right mind would shout such words as “Glory to the murderers”? To know that they are celebrating Hamas terrorists who lit people on fire while they were alive, raped women and children so severely they broke hip and pelvic bones, slaughtered, burned, and tortured innocent men, women and children and then sat down and ate at these family’s tables, among other atrocities that I won’t write in this blog, makes me feel like I’m living in an alternate universe.

Every day in nations all over the world, these protests are becoming more and more concerning. These people are not proving themselves to be peaceful in anyway shape or form. It is just the opposite. They are displaying acts and language which is full of rage, aggression and violence. There is a video I saw posted on an “X” account called Shirion Collective. This is an account of an Israeli man who is a pro-democracy advocate and battles antisemitism. This video was of a rally in London, England where a Pro-Palestinian man gave a speech, in English and said, “The massacres must continue!” This man wasn’t in Gaza. He was in London. So where exactly is he calling for these massacres to take place? Israel? London? It is hard to decide after hearing him speak. If you would like to watch the video and hear the entire speech, here is the link: https://x.com/ShirionOrg/status/1746297806510276891?s=20

The phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is something that also must be addressed. This statement is not a “catchy slogan” or something that doesn’t hold a significant meaning. It most assuredly does. I have heard it taught that it originated during the days of Yassir Arafat, whether or not that is confirmed makes no difference to the matter. What is important is the meaning behind the phrase. Anyone can look at a map of Israel and see that is referring to the borders of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea on the other. When people chant that phrase, they are not just calling for the land to be theirs, they are calling for the total eradication of Israel and its people. (I guess they forget that about 30% of Israel’s citizens are Muslims.) Their message is that there should be no Israel, there should be no Jews. Period. I am not writing those words as not my personal opinion of their feelings. There are countless statements documented by Palestinian people and Palestinian supporters who state the words, “There is no Israel”.

Right now, I am not talking about the historical aspect of Israel or even the political aspect of Israel. To write the Biblical historical and political aspect of the land of Israel is a blog for another time, but if you really want to know the truth, you can find it. The history is of Israel is recorded in the Bible and recorded in the history books and in government documents throughout the years. Official, verifiable, truthful documentation which proves Israel is Israel. The Jewish people did NOT steal it, the Jewish people are NOT occupying or colonizing anyone else’s land. It is their own as promised to them by God, Adonai. But for now, I am keeping this blog focused upon the spiritual aspect of Israel and when the words “From the River to the Sea” are chanted it should cause all those who support Israel and the Jewish people to stand up and take action. It is not a phrase that should ever be spoken and all those who are speaking it now, God is hears it. God sees those who are speaking it and according to His Word, we know He will be the judge of them who do so. Nothing is said or done that He does not hear or see. He is separating the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats.

It is not only heartbreaking but quite telling when we have seen videos of anti-Israel people tearing down the posters of those who have been taken hostage by Hamas. Since I began writing this blog, thank You, Lord, over 100 of those hostages, mostly children and women, have been released, due to the efforts of the IDF, to allow pauses from their attacks and to allow aid to enter the Gaza strip, which we can only hope will actually reach the innocents of the Palestinian people and not be confiscated by Hamas. But to see people tearing down posters of innocent children and babies, women and men who were taken by Hamas show us who they truly are. It shows us what is inside their hearts and what they have shown us is that they have no compassion for others. There is no care nor concern for these people as human beings, why? Because they are Jews and they see Jews as being less than human. They believe the lies and proganda being spread about Israel and the Jewish people that they are committing genocide, which is not true. They see Jews as their enemy which must be destroyed.

As for me, my mind cannot function to process and understand those who will tear down hostage posters and glorify murderers. I cannot understand people who would speak like that, feel like that, act like that and celebrate horror like that. I am totally and completely dumbfounded, brokenhearted, disgusted and bewildered by it all and yet, I know that what I must do, the BEST I can do is to pray for them. I can pray that the evil spirits which overshadow them, blinded them and twisted their minds until they have become depraved are bound and that the evil spirits are sent back to the pits of hell where they came from. I can pray that the power of the love and truth of Jesus Christ is released and manifested in their lives–and that is completely possible too! We must remember the verse Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” We must remember that these people, who are standing with these regimes of evil, could be saved by the blood and power of Jesus Christ. It is the evil spirits of antisemitism which have taken control of their minds. BUT! Our God IS GREATER! Our God is STRONGER! Our God IS able to overcome and our Lord, Jesus Christ is more than able to deliver them from such evil spirits.

Here is the proof that there can be victory over these evil spirits which are afflicting these people. I recently saw a powerful testimony of a former Hezbullah fighter who was coming to the United States to convert Christians to Islam and was arrested for having 30 passports. While in his jail cell, he testifies that Jesus came to him and ministered to him. He gave his heart and life to Christ and now is ministering the love of Jesus Christ to Muslims! “With God ALL things are possible!” Matthew 19:26 If you would like to watch this amazing testimony for yourself and listen to this man’s story as only he can tell it, I encourage you to take the time to do so. It will empower your faith! Here is the link to his story: https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=700+club+hezzbollah+fighter+testimony&mid=FDD67DDD73C50F1FEA88FDD67DDD73C50F1FEA88&FORM=VIRE

There is a great value of LIFE that is placed within every Jewish child from the time they are born. Actually, from the moment they are conceived. According to the scriptures, God tells us to pour out blood and not consume it because there is life in blood. Most Jews and Christians believe that which is why they fight so hard to protect life. This is why Israel gave up three hostages to every one hostage that Hamas gave, because they value life. Here are some military facts that you may not know. Because Israel values life they do their best to preserve it in the Gaza strip, no matter what is said to contradict that.

The first step they take is to send out media messages through phones and any other electronic device such as radio, television, etc. that may reach the Palestinian people in the Gaza region to let them know where they are mobilizing so they can have time to move out. They do this several days in advance with the warning to let them know to move in a specific direction for their safety. The next step they take is to drop tens of thousands of leaflets from the sky to the Palestinians giving them this same information to warn them and let them know they are coming so the innocent people have time to leave. The next step they will take is to drop these kind of firecracker explosives on top of a targeted building to sort of shake the building to again warn anyone who may still be in the building that it is going to be destroyed and to get out. Again, they let some hours pass to let anyone in the building leave, and then they hit the target. I follow the war correspondence daily and I saw a presentation done about this process on the news to explain how hard the IDF does work to preserve the innocent lives in Gaza. Yet, they are constantly and daily accused of genocide.

I have seen compilation videos from IDF Air Force pilots who will, time after time again, call off the strike they were about to conduct if they saw children or adults around the area of the strike. Yet, none of this gets any kind of media attention or coverage. Everyone takes the word of the death toll from Hamas officials and constantly accuse the IDF of being the terrorist’s committing genocide. If you would like to watch some of these video compilations of the IDF Air Force, you can find them here: https://x.com/AngeliqueLaFonC/status/1746295278393860522?s=20

Because Hamas are a regime of pure evil, they use the Palestinian people as human shields. Yet, the IDF strives with great conscience and effort to preserve human life to keep the innocent Palestinian people safe. Still, they are the ones depicted as monsters, while the Hamas monsters are celebrated. If you would like to learn more about some of the IDF’s tactics to preserve the innocent Palestinian lives, please watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrgeYxLe35Q

Genocide. A word that by the dictionary’s definition means: the deliberate killing or severe mistreatment of a large number of people from a particular national or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Now I ask you, does a military that takes such measures to try and protect innocent life sound like a military that is conducting genocide? No. Absolutely not.

I think what pains me the most to hear is when people have been chanting the words “Gas the Jews!”
Even right now I hardly can find the words to describe how hearing that makes me feel. It makes my soul sick.
My daughter, Aven, came in the other day deeply distressed. She has a friend who lives in Israel and, like the rest of our family, has a great love for Israel and the Jewish people. She showed me a hashtag that was going around stating “6 million wasn’t enough”. Those words take my mind back to all the history that I have studied about the Holocaust which was real, which did happen and there is more than enough documented proof and evidence that it did. To hear those words being chanted literally sends chills down my spine.

Dear God in heaven. Please help us. We are literally living on an earth that is slowly being consumed by the hate of hell itself… but You are BIGGER, You are GREATER, and Your love is STRONGER! YOU and YOU alone can OVERCOME it ALL! Show us what we can do to help!

I feel that it is extremely important to state that in all the interviews that I have heard done with Jewish people, I have yet to hear one of them celebrate the deaths of the Palestinian people. It is just the opposite. In every interview I have read or watched, I have heard the Jewish people sincerely state they do not wish for any of the Palestinian people to die. At their rallies, they are not chanting for anyone’s death or annihilation or calling for massacres to continue and be the status quo as the Pro-Palestinians call for. They respect others’ right to life. They respect others’ right to exist. They sing, pray and are concerned for theirs, their family’s and friends’ safety and for the protection of Israel. In fact, when you see a march or a prayer rally which is organized by supporters of Israel… they look and sound very different from the other side. Very different indeed.

All the Jewish people want is the right to exist. The right to live in peace.

It is also extremely important to state that I have heard and read countless testimonies of people all over the world who are of the Muslim faith, who are not against Israel. We must remember this. Not all Muslim people hate Jews. Let’s think for a moment about the White Supremacist kids I wrote about earlier. Several of the American White Supremacist groups claim Jesus Christ as their Savior, in fact members of the KKK
(Klu Kulx Klan), which also still does exist in our nation, will tell you the reason they burn crosses is because that is their way of taking the light of Christ into the world.

Twisted isn’t it?

What I don’t understand is how can you claim to serve Jesus Christ and then want to kill–or “remove” His people and go against His nation of Israel along with removing other children of God of color that are not white? It is important to understand that when I write the words “God’s chosen people”, that doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love the rest of us. On the contrary. He loves and adores us all! Which is why He sent His One and Only Son to die for all our sins. All of us who accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior are loved and cherished by God too. As Scripture says in Romans 10:11-13, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

The difference is that the Jews have an unbreakable Covenant that God made with them which is very special, and Gentiles will never replace that because the promises of God are unbreakable. The good news is that those of us who love Jesus and serve God with all our hearts and lives, are also grafted into the vine as Paul writes in Romans 11. Of course, I am just touching upon it, that is a much broader lesson for another time. But it is important to understand that we Christians are loved and adored by Jesus and when we stand with His Jewish people, stand up for Israel, and speak out against antisemitism, we make Him so very, very proud!

So just as not all people who claim to be Christians are not White Supremacists who are against the Jews and peoples of color, it is also true to say that not all Muslims are radical jihadists that hate Israel and Jews and those who are not are speaking out and making their voices heard. In this day and age, not all Muslims are chanting “From the River to the Sea” either! Israel’s population is a blend of Jews, Christians and Muslims, with Muslims making up a little over 30% of the population, and also serve in the IDF. Pastor Larry Huch talks about all of the Muslim friends that he personally has who live in Israel whom he loves, and they love him, and he and his family has dinner with their families, and they have good, healthy relationships with them and pray for them and their safety. As they should. They are the descendants of Ishamel and God promised to bless the descendants of Ishmael in the book of Genesis because He is a good and faithful God.
That is how it should be. That is how we should live with one another. We must keep praying for that peace to remain in the hearts of those Muslim people.

I recently heard an interview with an Israeli citizen who said all Hamas did was bring more unity to the citizens of Israel. That is my prayer for Israel. I pray for their peace, protection, strength and unity.

Our times have a new Nazi, but they are not an easily recognizable regime as in the days of World War II. They come in all races, they fly different kinds of flags, and they have different kinds of nationalities.
So we must pay attention. We must be vigilant and careful. We must not run with hate, rage, and agression as they do, but with the love and power of the Word of God, which is truth, John 17:17 “Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth.”

Anyone who hates the Jews and will stand against the nation of Israel has clearly made their choice. They are choosing to stand against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Israel, the God of the Jewish Nation. They stand against God’s chosen. They are choosing to be chaff. They are choosing to be goats.

We learn in Genesis 12:2-3 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you.” In this verse God, Adonai, is telling Abram, whose name would be changed by God, to Abraham before Isaac was born, that he would be the father of the nation which would be Israel. Abraham would begat Isaac and Isaac would begat Jacob whose name would be changed to Israel. It is from Jacob’s twelve sons that the twelve tribes of Israel were formed and it is from those twelve tribes the nation of Israel came to be.

When we read Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you.” which was spoken to Abraham and then God speaks that same promise to Abraham’s grandson, Jacob whose name God changes to Israel in verse Genesis 27:29 “May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.” We know these verses are directly connected to Israel and the Jewish people.

The choice is ours. God is giving us free will to choose… as He always does.

It’s pretty simple. If we bless the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, Adonai will bless us. If we curse the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, Adonai will curse us. The choice is up to us. And what a choice it is! Honestly! How hard is it to stand up for a God that loves us so much He made the choice to send His One and Only Son to come to earth to die for our sins? And not just any death, but a torturesome, horrific death on the cross after being brutally scourged so we could have forgiveness of our sins, healing for our bodies, and everlasting life once we pass on from this world. How hard is it to stand up for our Savior, Jesus Christ, who loves us so much He made the choice to leave His throne to come and repair a broken world? Jesus made the choice to come to earth, to live as a man, suffer the anguish of the cross, shedding His blood in seven different places to break curses off of us in every way possible so that we might have everlasting life in heaven, but also have life on this earth and life more abundantly. I can tell you that for me, it is not hard at all to stand up for Them! I am proud to do it and embrace every opportunity I have to do it!

It is exceedingly important for President Biden and his administration to stand with Israel and give them their full support to defend themselves and destroy Hamas. It is imperative. Because the decisions of the President not only can affect his personal life but can affect the country as a whole. In the beginning, Biden’s resolve with Israel appeared strong. As the days have gone by Biden’s resolve has grown weak. What’s funny is that he and his advisors seem to think that they are in control of this war. They forget that there is a God who is in charge, not only of Israel but of all matters in this universe and all other universes He created, and that God is not them. The more they meddle with telling Israel what to do–especially if they keep telling them to pause, delay or, God forbid, move toward ceasefire, then they– and our country will feel the wrath of their choices.
We must stand with Israel! This will be an imperative decision for any future President and person of leadership in our American government. My prayer is that God will bring us Godly men and women who pray, read, respect and understand His Word and represent Him well to fill those positions.

Being in the line of work that we do in ministry I meet many kinds of people and the majority of people I minister to these days are not always believers. I have had conversations with atheists who will just laugh at my teachings and tell me that they don’t believe anything I am saying or writing. My response to them is always the same, “Just because you don’t believe in God and His Only Son, Jesus Christ, doesn’t make them any less real or any less powerful.” God is real. Jesus is real. God’s Word is a living Word, it is not just printed words on a page like other books. It is an extension of God and what He says happens. Yes, it was written thousands of years ago, and it is still relevant today. The prophecies it contains are being fulfilled every day. Which is why we need to pay attention to it. So, when God warns us and tells us, I will bless you or I will curse you–especially when we know He is such a loving, merciful, compassionate, good God… we must pay attention! We must listen! We must open our eyes and see! And we must obey Him. For the sake of our souls and for the sake of our children, we must obey Him. And what an amazing God to obey! His blessings are unlimited! His grace is unmeasurable! His fruits are LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, GENTLENESS, FAITHFULNESS, and SELF-CONTROL! Why wouldn’t we want to follow after such a wonderful, magnificent, amazing God?

To stand with Israel is to stand with the God of Israel. Christianity is an extension of the Jewish faith because Jesus Christ was a Jewish man, born to Jewish parents who never stopped being Jewish! Jesus’ disciples were all Jewish, including the apostle Paul, and they never stopped being Jewish! All these men wrote the New Testament which we embrace and stand upon and it as a faith for all people! Therefore, all who claim God, Adonai, all who claim Jesus Christ, all who claim the Holy Spirit and the Holy Word of God, the Bible, should also easily and willingly claim Israel and the Jewish people!

Friends, if you don’t think that you are living in the days which are described in the book of Revelation… think again. These are what are described as the “End Days”, or the “End Times” and we all need to wake up and pay close attention to what is happening in the world. We need to have our souls right with Jesus Christ and be ready because He is coming, and you will not want to be left behind and you definitely will not want your children that are of the age of accountability to be left behind to live in what the Bible tells us will happen after Jesus comes. It will be horrible. Truly horrible. We must be ready.

My prayer is that we can influence as many people as possible to stand with the God of Israel and the Jewish people and to introduce as many people as possible to the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ to help prepare their hearts for heaven. This is about taking a spiritual stand that encompasses every area of our lives and it is important how we take that stand so that we are always keeping the representation of our Lord in the front of our minds and hearts when we do. When your soul is presented before the Lord on Judgement Day (and yes, whether you believe there is a Judgement Day or not, it is going to happen) Jesus isn’t going to ask you where you stood when it came to man’s opinions on matters of the world. No. He is going to ask about the stances you took for Him and His Word– which includes how we vote upon issues that are connected to His Word and the people we vote for to be in leadership roles for our nation. We must also pray for Godly men and women, who know the Word of God, who pray to seek His direction, are willing to obey Him and represent Him well in our nation’s leadership positions.

Make no mistake, Jesus is going to judge you upon what you did for Him to obey and fulfill His commands and His laws. So, it is most imperative that when it comes to this war, you must remember this:
To stand with the God of Israel and His people is to be a sheep, it is to be counted as wheat, is to be blessed.
To stand against the God of Israel and His people is to be a goat, is to be counted as chaff, is to be cursed.

It is also vital that we must, as children and servants of Jesus Christ, keep praying for those who are innocent in the Gaza region. We must remember that not all of the Palestinian people there are against Israel. In fact, there are over a thousand Christian people who live there and there are so many who live under the oppression of Hamas who want to see them gone. There have been some who escaped living in Gaza well before this war began, who have testified to the horrific living conditions since Hamas took control during the middle of 2007. They tell the truths about what Hamas did to the land and how they keep the resources for themselves while the Palestinian people live in squaller. Of course, Hamas tries to blame this all on Israel, but those who lived there and bear witness to it are speaking the truth of it. We must remember that not all the Palestinian people are like those we see protesting in our streets and the streets of other nations. Their voices are just not as loud, aggressive, and full of rage, so they aren’t being heard.

We also must remember to pray for the innocent children, who cannot help where they have been born and how they are being raised, they too need our prayers. We know that it is not Israel’s intention to kill or harm any innocent people in anyway, they have made that clear and keep making that clear. They are only after Hamas, and they have every right to be after Hamas. We must pray for God to help the IDF to protect the innocents and that their hearts could be changed to fall to the salvation of Jesus Christ… “With God ALL things are possible!” Matthew 19:26. We must pray for them because Jesus loves them, and Jesus died for them too. That is so important for us to remember. That is what will help us respond with the hands and heart of Jesus Christ, with His love. It is the love of Jesus Christ that makes us different and separates us from being like others in the world. We must always strive to represent Jesus well in this world.

God, Adonai gives us free will. The choice is up to us.
My hope is that more people will choose wisely for the sake of their soul, their family, and for the sake of Israel and Jewish people all over the world who so desperately need us to strongly stand with them without fear.

This is my choice and that of my family:
“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14-24.